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About Us

A young team with a clear vision of using Blockchain technology to use ioox coins and other digital currencies in everyday life. Every day

We don't believe in transaction secrets, they create ambiguity and lack of control. We believe in transparency, safer and more verifiable. There are ioox coins for every day that must be paid for drinking coffee, for drinking. The ioox currency is intended for ordinary people who work, study or receive a decent pension. The ioox currency will replace micro transactions with cash or credit cards, this applies for every day.

Every day, people make transactions worth less than $ 10 a day, the ioox currency will be a hole in the hearts of these people. This is intended for the adoption of true mass and ioox rings, also not machines.

Our vision

We have presented the future. The future that is closer to us is the payment system. To do this, we must forget the present and project our thoughts from time to time. We entered a new world, without paper payment instruments, without old credit cards. Our future John will leave the house, enter the cafeteria and pay with ioox coins, put his ioox ring on a chest reader.

He will not have anything with him, only the ring or bracelet.
In the near future, we will pay with the ioox coins and the ioox ring, which, in addition to allowing us to pay, will also contain our basic information: blood type, allergies, shelter, how many steps we take per day and life expectancy. based on our lifestyle. Enter our future

Early versions and technology

Ioox technology integrates cryptocurrency currencies into the blockchain ecosystem with existing payment systems. You can do daily micro transactions, every day with ioox coins and an ioox system that can be used (rings or bracelets) and set a daily budget using remote settings. Therefore, it is possible to make payments with ioox coins at a partner store or in US dollars at a store that is not included.

We are developing tools for everyone's daily life and everyone we know well has a different time and approach to new technology.

Transparency and trust

Using management tools, you can manage and remember your call usage settings. You can set a daily payment limit and track monthly expenses. We want to build an ecosystem that is transparent, fast, and dynamic. The new payment system, not a clone of the old system.


Investor returns come in two ways. An increase in the value of a currency is proportional to the amount of use. We want to reach the masses, this is our goal. The second way to make a profit is to sell tech support, rings or bracelets with the ioox brand.

Payment flexibility

Simple payments and payments via cryptographic tokens, this is our mantra. Payments are made immediately and can be transferred to any crypto wallet.

Platform for mass adoption

The original ioox project implementation platform works on the Ethereum network. Reliable and secure Blockchain network. Our choice is based on the need to use the security and reliability of existing networks and apply technology to it, which estimates that in 2020 around 340 million people will use a payment system that can be used, smart watches, rings, etc. Source of IHS Near Field Communications Report. We will be part of this future and we will be a reliable courier.

Final revision

The main objective of ioox is to create mass ioox payment technology that provides financial accessibility. Participating in the ioox project means being part of the future. Transactions via wearable devices are 40% faster and in a few years they will completely replace credit or debit card transactions. Today is an important day for us.


Multi-stage is better for early arrivals

 20%: reserves

60%: real estate assets

5%: airdrop

2%: participants and consultants

10%: founders

3%: generosity and marketing


With a mixture of property types, we can find the best deals.

● 10%: industry

● 10%: land

● 35%: multi-family

● 25%: housing

● 20%: commercial


Most of the funds are related to project acquisition

● 5%: marketing

● 85%: real estate identification, security , development, sales

● 10%: administration, operation, legal


The first round is always the most successful, and then the next round. Come early and be glad you did.

First Half - 20% Bonus

● Start date: February 14

● End date: February 21

● Token price: $ 0.10

Second Half - 15% Bonus

● Start date: February 22

● End date: February 29

● Token price: $ 0 , 15

Third Round - 10% Bonus

● Start date: March 1

● End date: March 7

● Token price: $ 0.20

Final Round - 5% bonus

● Start date: March 8

● End date: March 15

● Token price: $ 0 APRIL


Author : cotel

ETH : 0x5E088Eb333c0d58A80271B33533a7118EE660089

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