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HEX is the first deposit certificate on the blockchain! HEX pays Interest Without Trust without the risk of the other party. Given the money that can be programmed, the program must first flower.

Paying holders instead of miners. Risking HEX is like getting free mining hardware and electricity. Comparison of Bitcoin and HEX

Not Satoshi (if he doesn't claim in 50 weeks) or Mt.Gox to dump you. There are no inflation bugs that might occur like those of bitcoin. Refracted unit bias. Mining ecosystems are more distributed. Pope punishment for giving whale coins to staker makers, etc.

Around 12 million or more than 18 million of the total value of BTC from HEX claims will be given to shareholders on day 353 with shares. And! That will be multiplied by the Viral and CriticalMass adoption bonus multipliers which can increase it up to 3x. Stock prices only go up.

A staker who ends an initial bet or is late paying a faithful staker. The commitment of the older shares to pay 20% more per year, up to 3x shares, (some years no problem). Lower costs, lower inflation. Referral program. The founder is a marketing expert with an audience. Early adopters get paid very well.

20% Speed ​​bonus falls to 0% for fifty weeks. Unclaimed coins are paid to the staker 2% per week for 50 weeks. Every week you don't claim, other people get your coins. Mass bonuses and critical Virality increase payments to staker makers so they make HEX more people claim, than if fewer people claim, even though they get unclaimed coins on day 353. Each pump to lock supply, increases adoption and prices.

Hex has a lower inflation rate than Bitcoin, even after the chair was cut in half twice in 10 years. Inflation is also delayed, because it is only paid at the end of the bet, and the bet can last 10 years. The inability to trade coins at stake increases the value of coins not at stake, and it is likely that some will take early and pay fines to loyal betmakers.

Flowers without trust.

Let's say you want to make more bitcoin on your bitcoin. What are your choices? You can lend your coins and risk it is not returned, or you can try to sell your coins to mine hardware and hope to get more coins back later. Many people lose money by trying.

Counterparty risk in Bitcoin investments.

To get interest on their Bitcoin, most users send it to centralized third parties, such as exchanges. There, coins can be borrowed to "condense" the market. The seller borrows coins for sale, hoping they can buy back cheaper before returning them, thus benefiting from falling prices. This centralized party is a security hole that is often hacked, destroys privacy, or introduces fees if you want to spend money. Billions of dollars in coins sent to the exchange or lenders have been stolen. Not your key, not your coin.

These third parties and centralized intermediaries are very important for users who are looking for results (making interest) so the company itself has generated more profit on Bitcoin than its founder. The value of billions and billions of dollars has shifted into the pockets of middlemen. HEX corrects this.

This replaces this third party with a peer-to-peer to trust system. Instead of sending your HEX to the exchange so they can lend it on your behalf to get you interest, you can simply lock it in the same smart contract that prints all HEX in the first place, and that gives you credit for your interest. If you are given programmable money, the first thing you need to program is interest.

HEX pays interest to staker makers instead of miners.

Some users try to mine to make more cryptocurrency. Instead of sending your money to foreign mega-corp to buy mining equipment that appears late, used, or never at all, you can skip depreciated assets and electricity bills and just hoard your coins.

HEX is the first digital currency with a supply chart that can be sold in the future (the validity period expires from time to time). This guarantees the buyer's confidence in the value of their investment in the future

HEX has a Speculative Stickiness.

Normal crypto currencies have: Price, hash rate.

HEX has: HEX price, Stock price, Directly affect staker earnings per share:% of stock bets, Average stock length, Average stock size, expired charts over time, initial and final penalty of stock bets.

Hex is a new ERC-20 token that pays to holders instead of miners. According to Richard Hart, cryptocurrency is more expensive than stock prices. This is based on advanced game theory and aims to "fix" everything that is wrong with bitcoin.
Token holders are advised to put their own coins to get more achievements over time, similar to CD deposits in the banking world. The longer you bet, the greater the benefits.

HEX is the world's first deposit certificate with the highest interest rate, which allows users to place their own tokens in return for interest. Users have every opportunity to receive interest payments in the range of 3.69% if 99% of the total offer is sent, for an indescribable payment of 369% if only one percent of the total offer is paid in the form of a HEX token. It should be noted that the value of such payment currencies is entirely dependent on the HEX market price at the time of closing.

HEX is not a project that promises to increase scalability, side chain comparisons, or consensus-based innovation.
Instead, this is an ERC-20 token that is designed to make early adopters rich. In essence, this is a multi-level ad crypto scheme. The user receives a reference discount, and the initial candidate receives a more significant piece of cake.

Unlike almost all ICOs in the past, which provided a narrow curtain of purpose, to conceal the founder's clear plan to get rich by selling securities without permission to investors. The HEX clearly says on its own website that any function is designed to increase its price and acceptance. This is called the HEX Positive Price Theory. HEX rewards the majority of those who received the previous HEX

This project also aroused great enthusiasm from the wider community of cryptographers. This is only the middle of the bear market for real bitcoiner, bored with the recent low volatility.

Main features of Hex coins

This is an Ethereum token, because transactions are harmless, fast and cheap.
Unlike BTC, HEX code is considered irreversible and open source code, and there is no method for changing smart contracts programmed in the ERC-20 token itself.
This is a tested token. There are no mistakes. The code is correct.
HEX does not respond to any terms that will be declared by the SEC as "money products". Therefore, it cannot be prohibited.

Bitcoin inflation falls into the hands of miners. The economic stagnation of the HEX is made by the interests of people who believe in currencies and protect their interests: staker.
Low-level economic stagnation: HEX 3.69%, Bitcoin 4.16%, Ethereum 13.50%.
A small portion of the benefits of economic stagnation is transferred to ORIGIN WALLET and is used for advertising, management, trademark registration, patents (beware of branches and copies), and other advantages.

Thus, the appeal to HEX lies in the fact that he gives a bet.
Because HEX is considered an ERC-20 token, prepared for preservation, it has no permanent, correct, and harmless function that we all admire about Bitcoin. This is an Ethereum based token. There is no "bitcoin" on HEX.

HEX is faster, cheaper, and safer in almost every way than Bitcoin, because it uses Ethereum as an aid.
The HEX blockchain is considered permanent and does not depend on which node is chosen, as in the case of bitcoin, therefore there is no possibility of a fork.


Hex is a new ERC-20 token that pays to holders instead of miners. According to Richard Hart, cryptocurrency is more expensive than stock prices. This is based on advanced game theory. This project also aroused great enthusiasm from the wider community of cryptographers. HEX is faster, cheaper, and safer in almost every way than Bitcoin, because it uses Ethereum as an aid.

For more information on the HEX project below

Author : cotel

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