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Fckmoonwepluto (fmwp) is a community-driven decentralized cryptocurrency on the Ethereum network. We'll be the first bastards to visit Pluto!

Our Vision

Our goal is to be the first token that truly cares about its community. We have a small team so far, but we want to develop our team with your help. As you can see in our tokenomics, we let you decide how we should use 25% of our total supply, through a post-sale vote. but that's not all! We start out as a meme, but our dreams are bigger. The real vision is to be a real project one day. this is your chance to be a part. we will recruit people from all over the world from our community who are creative and have the skills and knowledge.

On our way to Pluto, it's your turn to show what you have. each of our community got the opportunity to present their ideas about what the fckmoonwepluto project could be in the future and what you could become in this project. a more detailed form for participants will be provided shortly. we will analyze all your ideas, and at the end of the journey the community will make a decision by voting. The winner will receive a prize and a special place in the team.

We can't wait to see you guys!
The king wishes the team fckmoonwepluto


The FMWP community is completely decentralized and owned by its muthafckaz. We welcome and accept different perspectives to make FMWP the best cryptocurrency community.


After the sale, the community decides what we do with the rest of the overall offering.


Team are bloody ghetto astronauts who will still fly to Pluto.

what the fuck is it worth.

Safe and secure

You cannot touch it!


We ball until we fall!


You decide what happens to 25% of our tokenomics, you decide which project we start, and you decide who will join our team!


Total Volume: 100 Trillion
Air Drop / Reward (5%): 5 Trillion
Private Sale (20%): 20 Trillion (-50%)
Public Sale (40%): 40 Trillion
Team (10%): 10 trillion
Rest: The community decides what happens to the rest of the total supply through a post-sale vote.

Road to Pluto

Phase 1


launch Launch of channels in social networks

Distribution (up to 1000 participants)

Bounty campaign

reach 1000 participants in Telegram

reach 1000 subscribers in our social networks

Phase 2

after the airdrop and bounty are closed

Private and open sale of

3000 Telegram participants

Get more than 1100 subscribers to our social media channels.

recruit team members, advisors and investors

Phase 3

after the close of sales

More than 5,000 Telegram members

more than 2,000 subscribers in our social networks

Website redesign and wp renewal

Launch of a token at least 3 exchange listings marketing campaigns

Open more channels on social networks

Announce team composition, location and office


Donate here: 0xCB467b3ac4D6813b3447289E4853C7c86f2D5D7C

Any other token We accept: ETH and any other erc20.
The donation will be used for marketing.

Useful project links:

Author : Dalazz_20
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x4d387FB72dB04B74DEaE07525d785A797d5A96b8

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