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PointPay is creating a fundamentally new product that combines three services in a single closed-loop ecosystem: PointPay Crypto Bank, PointPay Crypto Exchange platform and PointPay Multi-currency Wallet.

With strict capital controls in place by most countries to control the flow of money and charge high taxes, cryptocurrency gained usage in circumventing capital controls and taxes, leading to an increase in demand. Cryptocurrency has been able to present an easy to use digital alternative to fiat currencies. Offering frictionless transactions and inflation control, investors have been prudent enough to add these currencies in their diversified portfolios as an asset, as the size of the market does not represent a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency employs the use of cryptography that assures high-security processes and verifies transactions personal to each user. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve. While this revolution is gaining wide acceptance, PointPay is creating a fundamentally new product that combines three services in a single closed-loop ecosystem: PointPay Crypto Bank, PointPay Crypto Exchange platform and PointPay Multi-currency Wallet.

*About the project*

As it turned out, in order to solve all the problems I listed above, the team of specialists found it difficult to create a single product, within which all these nuances were fully and simultaneously resolved. Therefore, they decided to change the strategy and created a completely new cryptocurrency project - PointPay , which brings together three areas under its start. It opens three destinations - PointPay Crypto Bank , which has a high level of business contacts. This list of contacts includes about fifty banks from around the world, 25 payment systems and about 20 legal entities whose competence is to resolve direct questions about the licensing of cryptographic businesses. Moreover, the founders of PointPayecosystems and its multicurrency wallet, to date, already have four years of experience working with other payment systems, as well as with classic banks. What I think is very popular and very important these days. Since many beginning projects, there is absolutely no experience. Therefore, PointPay has clear advantages over its competitors. 

*Problems *

However, regardless of the progressive growth and development of the entire cryptocurrency industry in the world, Fintech technologies still have a number of nuances that hinder the full growth and development of the entire cryptocurrency industry. As practice shows, most of the nuances lies in the safe custody of their money. Since most market participants obviously use the wrong strategy and keep their savings on the stock exchange. And as you remember, this type of storage does not have a 100% guarantee of the safety of your funds. In principle, we are all with you and have seen for the past few years. For those who do not know, let me remind you that over the past few years, hackers have stolen more than $ 1 billion from many cryptocurrency exchanges of funds. That is why this problem worries a large number of crypto-enthusiasts, crypto-investors and even ordinary traders, since the security issue should be above all and have the highest level in practice! 

The second nuance is the idle time of a large number of financial assets that simply lie “dead weight” on the wallet or on one or another stock exchange. All this happens only for the reason that a large number of users are poorly oriented in the new digital market. The reason for this is the lack of full-fledged educational resources and programs, as well as high-quality analytical tools that would in real time tell the market participant the most detailed solutions for buying or selling their assets.Often, now you can find only some individual tools of the exchange, which displays charts and trends that do not carry any specific information. As a result, the trader has to go into technical analysis independently and act further, relying only on his own experience and opinion. What can naturally lead him to the wrong result he dreamed of so much?Thus, we see that all these small nuances in aggregate are starting to cause too much discomfort, so the solution of these issues at the current time is extremely necessary. And what happiness it is to know that such a solution is already being actively developed. Moreover, it already has its first prototypes for full familiarization. What exactly is it about ?! I suggest you find out right now. 


Nevertheless, I think you still have some questions about that. But how exactly does PointPay plan to implement its solutions, while solving the above problems ?! The answer is actually quite simple. To do this, the developers have established some sequence of their actions, the implementation of which will gradually lead them to the desired result. The first thing the PointPayfounders will begin their journey with is the issue of their own coins. A total of five hundred million PXP . The second, no less significant step will be the purchase of tokens. As a result of which the proceeds will go towards building the already global ecosystem of PointPay platform. Which, I recall, will include PointPay Crypto Bank,and PointPay Crypto Exchange , and PointPaymulticurrency wallet . 


It is this sequence, according to the experience and opinion of the developers of this project, that will fully form the supply and demand for all PointPay functionality , and will also expand the boundaries of the possible not only for traders, but also for large investors. Upon completion of all these stages, the financial environment will be formed around the PointPay system, and its token will acquire a full-fledged payment unit. As well as the corresponding bank card. 

Retail price: 1 PXP = $ 0.10
As I wrote earlier, PointPay developers will use their own internal PXP token as a means of payment. Which was based on the Ethereum blockchain and has an ERC-20 standard. It is important to note that the sale of coins has already started in June 2019 and will last until the full sale of all 500 million PXP. Therefore, for more detailed information, follow the official resources of the project. 


The PointPay token will be released on the basis of the Ethereum platform and fully complies with the ERC20 standard. This ensures transaction security, interoperability with other parties and provides seamless and easy integration.

Soft hat: 1,000,000 dollars

Hard cap: $ 30,000,000

Symbol: PXP (PointPay Token)

Total amount of deliveries: 500 000 000

Unsold tokens: to be destroyed


Official resources of the PointPay project:

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